Our Work F


The full collection of resources on what we are creating, testing and learning on our journey


Wis Featuerd

Women in STEM in Serbia

Although Serbia has a relatively high proportion of women in STEM, women are still facing significant headwinds in their careers. We are working to understand and resolve these issues through in-depth and innovative research.

Portfolio F

Depopulation Portfolio

Faced with one of the most rapidly declining populations in the world, Serbia needs to redefine what it takes to be a thriving, productive society. We bring a new framing to depopulation, one of the most significant global trends of the future.

Circular Migration

Circular Migration

We are exploring how to rebuild trust and develop innovative ways to bridging Serbian society at home and abroad. We work with the Returning Point to co-create solutions that accelerate new links with Serbia’s diaspora.

Digital Nomads

Digital Nomads

We are investigating the value that digital nomads and other types of digital professionals bring to the development of a place, and testing how to maximize it.

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Depopulation Data Challenge

As an example of collective intelligence in action, we established new partnerships that leveraged alternative data sources – such as mobile data, social networks data, job ads data, satellite data – to shine a new light on the complex challenge of depopulation in Serbia.

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