Depopulation portfolio (full version)
Real-time editable draft of our depopulation portfolio
The full collection of resources on what we are creating, testing and learning on our journey
First in a three-part blog series explaining the portfolio approach as an instrument for system transformation, what it means and looks like in practice and how it differs from a traditional project approach. Based on an interview with Irena Cerovic (Head of Solutions mapping) as an early practitioner in UNDP
Blog by Katarina Sajc (Portfolio Manager for SDGs, Private Sector Engagement) and Søren Vester Haldrup (Innovation Facility Fund Manager) on portfolio approach and system thinking applied on designing new portfolio on the SMEs sector in Serbia
Blog by Millie Begovic (Strategic Innovation Advisor) and Søren Vester Haldrup (Innovation Facility Fund Manager) on the launch of a new approach to supporting strategic innovation in UNDP
Blog by Irena Cerovic (Head of Solutions Mapping) on the Accelerator Lab’s initial thinking about depopulation